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Top Actions of the Past Week: March 15, 2019

March 15, 2019
Our hearts are breaking for all the victims, survivors and families, and for the entire Muslim community, in Christchurch, New Zealand. The violence that took place yesterday is horrendous. Around the world, mosques, synagogues, temples, gurdwaras, churches and all places of worship should be a...
Karen Showalter's picture

Testimony for the Growing a Healthy Next Generation: Examining Federal Child Nutrition Programs Hearing 3.12.19

March 12, 2019
Below is testimony submitted by MomsRising Member, Nikki Berlew-O’Meara, to the hearing of the House Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Human Services Hearing as part of the House Education and Labor Committee held on March 12, 2019.
Abbie Gately's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: March 1, 2019

March 1, 2019
It's March, and spring is officially in the air! We're back with this week's round-up of top actions, featuring urgent campaigns around tax credits for working families, child care, protecting school lunch and SNAP (food stamps), gun safety, the #FakeNationalEmergency, and more. Be sure to scroll...
Karen Showalter's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Man walks down an alley surrounded by colorful buildings in Puerto Rico.]

Help avoid a hunger disaster in Puerto Rico

February 25, 2019
Starting next month, 1.4 million Puerto Ricans on the island will struggle to put food on the table if Congress fails to approve an additional $600 million for the Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP). Disaster NAP has served as a critical lifeline for Puerto Rico in the wake of Hurricanes Irma and...
Christine Melendez Ashley's picture
Speak out for SNAP!

QUICK SIGNATURE needed to protect SNAP for struggling workers!

February 22, 2019
The Trump Administration is at it again, trying to take away SNAP (food stamps) from workers and families that are already struggling! Yes, you read that right. Ugh. You’re probably thinking, “Wait, didn’t Congress just pass the Farm Bill a few months ago that was very clear about protecting SNAP...
Abbie Gately's picture

Top #5Actions of the Past Week: February 22, 2019

February 22, 2019
We're back with this week's round-up of top actions, featuring urgent campaigns around tax credits for working families, protecting SNAP (food stamps), passing universal background checks, and keeping the drumbeat going around ending the #FakeNationalEmergency. We know it's a busy time, but your...
Karen Showalter's picture

The Power of Public Comments

February 6, 2019
With Congress refusing to enact some of his harshest proposals against people with low incomes, President Trump has relentlessly pursued alternative methods to harm families struggling to make ends meet. For more than two years, the Trump Administration has tried to use regulations and waivers as a...
Madison Hardee's picture
Single father explains hardships caused by shutdown

Government shutdown ends, hardship continues

February 5, 2019
The Food Bank of Contra Costa and Solano is relieved congressional leaders and the administration reached a deal last week to temporarily re-open the federal government. However, we remain deeply concerned about the lasting impact this shutdown will have for federal workers and contractors, food...
Lisa Sherrill's picture

No Candy Rewards in Classrooms, Please

February 4, 2019
A while ago, a teacher from my 5-year-old son’s Saturday Chinese School gave out candy rewards. My husband and I felt uncomfortable about this. We have opinions about candy. I don’t eat candy. I don’t spend my grocery money on candies. With that being said, there is no candy under my roof. When my...
To-wen Tseng's picture

#RisersRadio: Democracy Is NOT A Spectator Sport

January 28, 2019
On the #RisersRadio show this week we cover the government shutdown, re-opening, and what’s happening next; we get the inside scoop from a structural engineer about the literal faults in Trump’s ridiculous wall; we hear the impact of using children’s access to healthy food as a political football;...
Amber Dorsey's picture
