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Health Care

Get the inside scoop on health reform for women and kids

October 9, 2009
Next Wednesday night, grab a cookie (ok, or healthy snack) and join MomsRising members across the nation on the phone or via the web for a cozy kitchen table chat about health reform and what it means for women and kids. We'll have experts on the line who can answer your questions and you'll have...

We're pinning our hopes on you because children need health reform too!

October 5, 2009
The over one million members of MomsRising have one top priority and that's our kids. We're willing to wear our support for health reform that works for America’s kids on our sleeves. And we're asking our legislators to wear it on their lapel. MomsRising is collecting photographs of members of...
Donna's picture

Rub a Dub Dub: Watch out for chemical-induced rashes in the tub

September 23, 2009
The products are advertised as “extra gentle” and “for sensitive skin,” yet new medical papers indicate that many children’s bath products contain a chemical preservative that can cause chronic skin problems that are often misdiagnosed as eczema or other diseases. Quaternium 15 - a chemical found...

We all want Healthy Stuff!

September 17, 2009
Do you have friends or co-workers who use women's handbags, buy children's toys, car seats, or even have a pet or two? Well, yeah, that covers just about everyone we know! None of us want these products to expose us to toxic chemicals that are associated with health problems, but it turns out some...
Ariana Kelly's picture

Healthcare Blog Carnival!

September 14, 2009
Welcome to our HealthCare Blog Carnival! We've rounded up some of the most interesting, useful stories and analysis on healthcare reform, focusing on posts that speak to the impact of healthcare on families. Browse through and enjoy. We've got something for everyone, from personal stories to...
Anita's picture

Societal Barriers to Breastfeeding

September 11, 2009
When people think of breastfeeding difficulties, the things that probably come to mind are supply issues, bad latch, cracked nipples, constant feedings, and the like. Certainly, there are women who are afflicted by those difficulties and who cannot overcome them. But I believe the societal barriers to breastfeeding (propagated by the kyriarchy) have a much more significant impact on breastfeeding rates than the medical or technical issues.

Why We Must Stand Up For the Right to Breastfeed

September 9, 2009
Right now in America, working mothers are being discriminated against solely because they breastfeed their children. Last week the Ohio Supreme Court threw logic out the window when it ruled that a woman was rightfully fired for taking breaks at work to pump breast milk. Apparently it would have...
Senator Jeff Merkley's picture

Lead in lipstick: FDA gives moms the toxic kiss off

September 3, 2009
It took nearly two years, but FDA has finally published its study on lead in lipstick, and the findings are not reassuring. FDA found up to four times more lead in lipstick than previous reports. Even less reassuring is the fact that FDA spent two years studying the problem, only to discover that,...

H1N1 - Your thoughts?

September 2, 2009
Wow. H1N1 is on moms' minds. Over 33,000 people signed on to the petition we sent around last week, agreeing that: "The United States needs to allow all working people to earn paid sick days to ensure our economic security, and protect public health." The leaders of our nation are working hard to...

Children Are a Critical Piece of the Health Reform Puzzle

September 1, 2009
As a mom and a child health advocate, I am deeply concerned about our children who rely upon the Medicaid program and their ability to access specialty care. Medicaid is the largest insurer of children. One in four children in this country depends on Medicaid for health care coverage. Pediatric...
