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Politics & Policy

LATISM '13 (Video and Pics Included!)

October 23, 2013
Photo below from left to right: me; Sylvia Aguilera, director of government relations for McDonald's Corporation; Jes Sofia Valle, CEO of the Bloggers of Health network; Ana Roca Castro, founder of LATISM, education tech developer and CEO of Plaza Familia ; and Laurita Tellado, the force behind the...
Elisa Batista's picture

Hispana Leadership Summit 2013 (Pics Included!)

October 17, 2013
ORLANDO, Fla. -- Let's call September 2013 the month of the conference, shall we? I traveled three of four weekends for blogging, social media and networking conferences. Two of those conferences, including the Hispana Leadership Summit , took place in my childhood home state of Florida. I felt...
Elisa Batista's picture

BB Found Her Voice and is Telling Her Story. #StopTheStigma

October 9, 2013
BB's brought you the story of advocacy , the story of global responsibility , and now it's Babushka's story that you will read. Queeee??? JU SO FONII!!! Of course I wrote the other stories and shared them through my eyes, but this one My Beautifuls is a very real and personal tale that affected BB...

Amamantar puede ser más fácil con Obamacare

October 9, 2013
La cultura latina promueve el saludable hábito de amamantar a los bebés generalmente hasta su primer año, pero al llegar a los Estados Unidos las latinas encontramos más retador el mantener esta costumbre que tanto impacta nuestra salud, pero sobre todo la de nuestros hijos. Las razones de este...
Ruth Vasquez's picture

This Is The Face… #StoptheStigma

October 8, 2013
This is the face of depression. And this: Pretty hard to believe, right? Not really. People expect depression to look a certain way, to sound a certain way. And it doesn’t. It’s taken me a LONG time to write this. I have known it was necessary but I have been hesitant. Because I did not know where...
Sili Recio's picture

Kids Before Corporations: Why Tax Reform Matters for Moms

September 25, 2013
Last week Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI) introduced the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, S. 1533. It might not seem obvious, but Sen. Levin’s bill, which would close corporate tax loopholes and eliminate incentives for shipping jobs and profits overseas, would be a HUGE help for families and children in America...
Margarida Jorge's picture

Open Letter to President Obama — The One Book You Should Read on Public Education: Reign of Error, By Diane Ravitch

September 21, 2013
Dear President Obama, You must read Professor Diane Ravitch's latest book, Reign of Error: The Hoax of the Privatization Movement and the Danger to America's Public Schools . You won't like it. No one likes reading about their failures. And that's exactly WHY you should read it. Your legacy is at...
Cynthia Liu's picture

Operation Secret Loopholes

September 19, 2013
The federal budget expresses our nation’s values and priorities in numbers. It’s a blueprint for how our elected officials plan to make money and how they plan to spend it. What happens in Washington, D.C. has a profound local impact. About 80 percent of all federal tax revenue comes from the...
Jo Comerford's picture

Put Meals Before Political Deals

September 17, 2013
This week, the U.S. House of Representatives is expected to vote on the “Nutrition Reform and Work Opportunity Act,” making an unprecedented move to separate the nutrition portion of the Farm Bill reauthorization. As part of this effort, an extreme group of House Republicans has gone all out to gut...
Zoila Sanchez's picture

Labor Day Shines Light on Challenges, Courage of Low-Wage Workers

August 31, 2013
Shaniqua , a 20-year-old mother, works for McDonald’s in New York City, where she can rarely get 40 hours a week. She struggles to afford food, diapers, and other basics. Nick , a McDonald’s worker in Indianapolis, survives on $800 per month while caring for his chronically ill mother and disabled...
Liz Ben-Ishai's picture
