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Family Economic Security

See you at the finish line!

January 6, 2013
Nearly 6 years ago, my husband and I decided to live on his income alone so I could stay home and raise our children. We knew there would be sacrifices to live on only one salary, but never did we imagine that my long term financial independence would be put in jeopardy. I'd always had good credit...
Holly McCall's picture

What's the deal with the fiscal cliff deal?

January 3, 2013
On New Year's Day 2013, Congress listened to voices of millions of mothers and families and passed "fiscal cliff" legislation that makes the wealthiest in this country pay more of their fair share. Who helped win the day? You did! Our nation needs your help again. There is another Congressional...
Kristin's picture

To Birth, Or Not To Birth?

December 30, 2012
It’s all about who is having babies – or perhaps more accurately, who is NOT having babies. The declining birth rate in the U.S. prompted much discussion, some of which you’ll find below. The only thing the writers agree on is that fewer women are opting to become mothers. Arguments differ as to...
Valerie Young's picture

Congress: No Playtime Until You Do Your Chores!

December 30, 2012
We interrupt our regularly scheduled holiday relaxation to bring you a critical message: Moms (you!) are needed to help alleviate a severe case of Congressional foot dragging. No one can light a fire under slow-moving bottoms like moms! Why? Because if Congress doesn't act quickly, after 11:59pm on...
Kristin's picture

There’s Still Time to Keep Kids From Falling off the Cliff

December 30, 2012
With New Year’s fast approaching, the “fiscal cliff” puts billions of dollars of critical investments for children at risk. If policy makers do nothing, millions of children could be pushed into poverty with the expiration of improvements to the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit...
Jared Solomon's picture


December 19, 2012
I have spent 20 years working for social change, and I have come to realize that we need to find new ways to reach people, let them know what's at stake, and inspire them to action. Just look at our budget debate. Even though progressives may win on taxes, the conversation is still dominated by out...
Van Jones's picture

The Fiscal Cliff: What All Parents Should Know

December 16, 2012
By now, most people who pay attention to the news have heard about the “fiscal cliff.” The problem: Most people don’t know what the fiscal cliff actually is, or how it will impact their families. The term “fiscal cliff” is shorthand for a series of events that will occur at the end of 2012 that...
Ann OLeary's picture

Ask the President to Keep His Promise to Home Care Workers

December 13, 2012
A year ago this week, President Obama announced an initiative that would have a profound impact on mothers and daughters across the country. At a press conference, surrounded by a dozen women who assist—or are assisted by—home care aides, President Obama announced that he was going to end the...
Jodi Sturgeon's picture

Going Over the Fiscal Cliff: Women and Kids First

December 10, 2012
Congress is likely to remain in session until Christmas Eve -- wrangling over the looming sequester and expiration of the Bush tax cuts. The country doesn't have enough money, or doesn't spend it right, or the rich have too much of it, or the middle class doesn't have enough, or the poor get too...
Martha Burk's picture

We Can Avoid the "Fiscal Cliff" Without Turning Our Backs on Our Most Vulnerable

December 4, 2012
Like most voters, Latinos cited jobs and the economy as their greatest concern in the days leading up to the election . The pressing importance of these issues led to an historic turnout of Hispanic voters in the 2012 election and overwhelming support for President Obama’s reelection. In the post-...
Janet Murguia's picture
