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Family Economic Security

Women's History We Still Live With Today

March 23, 2012
March is women's history month and I wanted to share a few tidbits of women's history that are even less commonly known than most, and history that is still impacting the lives of women and mothers today. Did you know that… When the Social Security act was adopted in the late 1930's, the Council...
Kristin Maschka's picture

Kids in high-poverty communities: 5 ways it affects us all

March 8, 2012
Success should be in the grasp of all children, no matter where they live. However, the opportunities available to children based on their neighborhood vary dramatically across the United States. For the 8 million U.S. children living in high-poverty neighborhoods critical resources for their...
Laura Speer's picture

Join us (virtually) at the White House!

January 18, 2012
MomsRising has been invited to the White House tomorrow, Thursday, January 19th at 9AM PST/12PM EST to discuss overall priorities for families in 2012, including the future of unemployment insurance. Moms and dads know first hand what families need. That’s why we need you to join our meeting online...
Monifa Bandele's picture

Toward a Two-Generation Strategy: Voices of American Families

December 15, 2011
Focus Group Results on Low-Income Parents’ Aspirations for Themselves and Their Children As America struggles to regain its economic footing, the nation’s most vulnerable families -- parents of young children who live at 200% of poverty or less -- express strong feelings of frustration and...
Anne Mosle's picture

American Moms: Unsung Heroes of a Bad Economy

December 15, 2011
American mothers are hard-hit by the tough economy, with 42 percent more women than men living in poverty and single moms especially vulnerable. Yet women work valiantly to sustain families, and remain thankful that they can manage at all. In a new study on American families released today, the...
Leslie Bennetts's picture

#HERVotes Blog Carnival: Extend Unemployment Insurance!

December 8, 2011
Welcome to the #HERVotes Blog Carnival, this time focused on the need to extend unemployment insurance. Why? One reason is that far too many children in our nation ( nearly 1 in 4 ) live in families who are struggling to put food on the table because of poverty. And for them, this holiday season...
Kristin's picture

Holiday Fear

December 8, 2011
Usually we think of cheer, not fear, as synonymous with the holiday season. All you have to do is look around in store windows or at TV commercials and you see pretty, shiny objects holding court with cheerful jingles playing in the background. Then there’s that car commercial where the jingle is...
Christy Jones's picture

Who Gets a Turkey This Thanksgiving?

November 23, 2011
I asked my daughter, "What's your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?" She answered in one exuberant word, "Eating!" While many celebrate by eating together on Thanksgiving, far too many children in our nation (nearly 1 in 4) live in families who are struggling to put food on the table because of...
Kristin's picture

#WomenOccupyWorld: We Are Country

November 22, 2011
I am Country As earth lays bare her fertile body I stand boldly naked Whole and entwined We are one In defiance of your objection Objectification You may not dissect me You may not own me You may not occupy me I am Country Every part that you cut, rape, and mine You cannot destroy me My blood runs...
Lisa Labon's picture

With Child Poverty on the Rise, Can the Super Committee be Champions for our Kids?

October 18, 2011
The recent release of the new census data should serve as a stark reminder to the 12 members of the Congressional “ Super Committee ” that our nation’s children are in crisis. Overall, the data revealed that the number of children living in poverty has risen to a record 16 million . That’s greater...
Jared Solomon's picture
